The Supernatural and Miraculous

Posted on August 17, 2011 by


The supernatural lifestyle that the Bible talks about is somewhat controversial within the church. I say that if the Bible talks about it, and it says to do it, then that is what I am going to do. There is no room for controversy.

We need the miraculous power provided by the Holy Spirit today more than ever. There are so many religions and spiritual choices available for the world today. And most of them have a way to tickle the mind to be portrayed as true. But, we have access to the One True God, who has all power and all authority. He is the One that provides the power. Even Jesus said He could do nothing of Himself – ‘Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.’ John 5:19

The Supernatural:

Miracles aren’t about us and whether or not we are ‘good enough Christians’ to manifest miracles.  Jesus said that there will be people who did miracles who aren’t even followers of Him (John 7:21-23).  Miracles are for the people that need them, and for God’s glory to be displayed.

The supernatural is NOT the most important thing regarding our walk with Jesus. But, it is important and should be pursued. Paul tells us in Corinthians to pursue after the gifts of the Spirit. And, if Jesus used the supernatural in His ministry, and the apostles used the supernatural in their ministry, then I better make myself available and have faith for the use of the supernatural in my ministry as well.

We MUST remember: It is not our ability that gives way to the supernatural power of God. It is His ability and His alone. We are simply the feet that take us where He leads and the hands that share His love. But it is only by His power that the miraculous happens.

Let me throw one more thing at you that seemingly contradicts what I just said. Jesus said: ‘Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.‘ Matthew 10:8

The interesting thing is that Jesus DID NOT say go and I will heal them. He simply said ‘heal the sick.’ As in ‘you go and heal the sick, raise the dead,’ and so on. So, yes it is His power that does it. But, He gave us His authority to go and share His love with the world.

‘So Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.’ John 20:21