Browsing All posts tagged under »fear of man«

Would God Do That?

January 31, 2012 by


It is arrogance for us to think that God would not do something in someone because we can’t find a scripture for it and we haven’t experienced it ourselves.  I have actually thought this many times. This usually happens when God manifests Himself in someone either physically or emotionally, or possibly some other visible way. […]

Simple Ministry to a Lost World

July 25, 2011 by


Here is my attempt to simplify the ministry that everyone in the church has been called to join. If everyone in the church is in full-time ministry (and we are supposed to be), then what is our ministry?  We are in the ministry of sharing with the lost world the relationship we have with Jesus.  […]

Miracles, Signs and Wonders: Are they for today’s church?

June 11, 2011 by


I recently joined in a conversation on Facebook regarding the miraculous. A friend of mine posted that miracles, signs and wonders needed to be following our walk with Jesus. And if they didn’t, then we needed go after them until they did. I loved this post. But, if of course caused quite the uproar in […]

Fulfilled Life is External Living

May 5, 2011 by


God is beginning to reveal His heart to the entire Body of Christ. Some of the Body has already received and responded to this revelation. The Greatest Commandment is to love God. The second is as important, which is to love our neighbor.(Matthew 22:37-39) Our neighbor being any person within our realm of influence…meaning we […]

We Have Authority on Earth

April 7, 2011 by


‘So Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”‘ John 20:21 This verse has been coming up time and time again.  Apparently I am not getting all that the Lord is trying to show me in this verse, at least at this time. On top […]

What sets Christians apart from the rest of the World?

February 2, 2011 by


I was recently engaged in a conversation that is apparently closer to my heart than I thought. It was one that began with a general statement of accountability of how we as Christians conduct ourselves in public.  Very important and equally needed in the body. But, I took a shot at presenting a different way […]

God Speaks

December 6, 2010 by


Do you hear God’s voice? Has He ever spoken to you? Would you recognize Him if He did? I can tell you the answer to all of these questions is Yes! Coming from a background where it was not necessarily taught, but totally understood, that God doesn’t really speak anymore, I understand anyone who does […]

Growing Faith

December 4, 2010 by


I have been met head on with a test of faith.  This I know without a doubt: What I thought I knew about the strength of my faith was false and arrogant and I have thrown it out the window. I can’t believe the goodness of God to meet us with tests exactly where our […]

Our Experience vs The Truth: Part 3

November 30, 2010 by


I realized that I didn’t make it clear why I titled this series ‘Our Experience vs. The Truth.’  The point of the title is because we base our theology on our experiences.   Our theology CANNOT be determined by our experiences. Jesus told us that he taught in parables to keep truth hidden so that only […]

Our Experience vs the Truth: Part 2

November 4, 2010 by


If it is God’s will to always heal, then why do people get sick, get prayed for, and still die? I want to preface this post by saying most, (90%) of what I am going to write is from teachings from Bill Johnson, Senior Pastor at Bethel Church in Redding, CA. I will do my […]